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  • Product Name: Pain O Soma 350
    Generic Name: Soma 350mg
    Active Ingredient: Carisoprodol
    Manufacturer: Centurion Labs Pvt Ltd.
    Drug Class: Skeletal Muscle relaxant
    Strength: 350 mg
    SKU: PNOSM350
    Packaging: 10 Tablet in 1 Strip
    Treatment: Muscle Pain
    Time Duration: Time to work 30 to 60 minutes
    Price: $105 to $799
  • Pain O Soma 500 mg, containing carisoprodol, is a muscle relaxant used to treat muscle pain, including musculoskeletal pain, sprains, and strain-related discomfort. It provides temporary relief from acute muscle malaise pain and can also help alleviate pain-related anxiety.

    Product Name: Pain O Soma 500
    Generic Name: Soma, Vanadom, Muscle Relaxer Pill
    Active Ingredient: Carisoprodol
    Manufacturer: Centurion Labs Pvt Ltd.
    Drug Class: Skeletal Muscle Relaxant
    Strength: 500 mg
    SKU: PNOSM500
    Packaging: 10 tablets in 1 Strip
    Treatment: Muscle Pain
    Price: $115 to $760
    Availability: Pills4cure.com

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